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Tag: Odour Services

Results announced for Silsoe Odour's customer satisfaction survey 2019, measuring customer feedback about their range of odour services

2019 Customer Satisfaction Survey Results

As part of our commitment to providing the best service for our customers, we conduct an annual customer satisfaction survey. It takes into account the experiences of our customers across all of our odour services. We carry out the survey at the beginning of each year and we are very pleased to now share the results…
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Noise Action Week, 21-26 May

This week, we’re getting involved in Noise Action Week coordinated by Environmental Protection UK. They highlight it as an opportunity to raise awareness of the impact of noise to health and well being. A cause we’re happy to support. I’m sure we’ve all been bothered by noise on occasion. Can you remember a time at home,…
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Silsoe Odours Launches Corporate Video

Silsoe Odours is pleased to launch our new corporate video, bringing you into the world of odour measurement. We encourage you to take a look, it’s well worth 90 seconds. Whether you work at Silsoe Odours (or would like to), are a customer, social media follower, or just plain interested. Silsoe Odours is a dedicated…
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