Building 42 Wrest Park Silsoe BEDFORD Bedfordshire MK45 4HP
01525 351 396

Silsoe Odours Study Day

Silsoe Odours Study Day

Silsoe Odours Study Day

Silsoe Odours Study Day Receives Warm Praise from Participants

Being scientists who are used to measuring results with the greatest of care, we can be rather tough on ourselves when gauging responses to the Study Days which we have held at Wrest Park for a number of years now. This year, however, we have dropped our customary reserve and have even allowed ourselves a cautious pat on the back, after reading through the wholly positive feedback received from our participants.

“Excellent mix of attendees and great topics covered”… Craig Capper, Senior Operations Manager, Shanks Waste Management Ltd.

Silsoe Odours Study Day

Silsoe Odours Study Day Seeks to Inform and Increase Awareness

This year our annual Study Day was held on 9th March at our Wrest Park odour laboratories. The day was organised in collaboration with RSK-ADAS and it was designed to inform regulators, odorous industries, and equipment suppliers of the ways in which odour assessment, odour measurement, and predictive analysis can address odour nuisance, enhance relationships with local communities, and help housing development planners when surveying brownfield sites.

“Informative, gave an idea of the resources available in determination of odour”…Kirstin Tranter, Principal Public Protection Officer, Durham County Council

Study Day Participants Get to Work in the Labs

We invited participants to work alongside our scientific team, in our UKAS accredited lab, in order to get a practical experience of how odour concentration analysis is undertaken. Case studies from a range of sectors were provided as context for the olfactory processes experienced, and delegates were invited to have their olfactory senses assessed as part of a demonstration of our Odour Acuity Sensitivity Testing.

Silsoe Odours Study Day

 ‘Covered all aspects of potential odour issues. Very interactive and easy to participate’…Joseph Barnes, Graduate Engineer, Saria-UK.

What Did the Delegates Have to Say About the Course?

However hard we plan, the proof of the pudding is in the eating – or in the feedback, in this case. Numerous delegates commented on the ways in which their knowledge had been enhanced through the range of subjects covered, and there was a clear appreciation of being given the opportunity to work in the labs alongside our team. We were delighted to read that participants found us approachable, friendly and – most important – able to answer their questions clearly.