Building 42 Wrest Park Silsoe BEDFORD Bedfordshire MK45 4HP
01525 351 396

Jill Celebrates 20 Years of Service

Jill Celebrates 20 Years of Service

Jill has spent 20 years at Silsoe Odours, dedicated to the criteria of odour assessment

Congratulations to Jill! She is celebrating 20 years with Silsoe Odours, looking after the detailed criteria of odour assessmentOn the 6th January 1999, Jill Liddle attended the odour laboratory here in Wrest Park for Odour Sensitivity Testing. It was here that she first successfully proved her nose’s compliance with our stringent odour assessment criteria. As a result, Jill become an Odour Assessor.

She still supports this role, acting as a ‘sniffer’ when required in both our laboratory and on site during Field Odour Impact Surveys. She is also now our Laboratory Administrator, a role critical to the smooth operation of our business.

This month, Jill celebrates 20 years of service with the team at Silsoe Odours.

Congratulations Jill

Robert Sneath, Director at Silsoe Odours, says:

“Jill has been such a significant member of our business for the past two decades. I’d like to personally thank and congratulate her for this fantastic service achievement. She continues to be a highly valued and trusted member of our team. Jill’s commitment to the detailed criteria of odour assessment continues to impress both internally and for our customers. I wish her the very best for many years to come with us here at Silsoe Odours.”

Highly Valued Team Member

Jill looks after the administrative areas of the odour laboratory. She recruits and assesses potential odour assessors against the odour assessment criteria requirements. She is also responsible for organising their schedules and managing laboratory bookings.

In addition, Jill prepares the nalophan sample bags which our sampling teams use on odour emission surveys. She is thorough and meticulous in the delivery of her various responsibilities. This attention to detail significantly contributes to the continued excellence of our scientific output.

Not only that, but Jill also oversees visitors to the Silsoe Odours laboratory. She hosts visitors undertaking Odour Sensitivity Testing and welcomes our customers. She also leads groups of visitors as part of the CPD-certified Odour Study Day for their taster Odour Sensitivity Testing sessions.

Jill in action as one of our resident experts in odour control criteria

Odour Assessment Criteria

When we talk about odour assessment criteria, we’re referring to the set of guidelines all our odour assessors must comply with. They must produce the most objective, consistent data output possible. To do this, we test them against n-Butanol, a reference gas for their sensitivity to odour. Our selection process adheres to the the European Standard BSEN13725:2003 for olfactometry. Not only that, but our odour laboratory is UKAS-accredited to ISO17025.

Find Out More

If you’d like to find out more about the criteria for odour assessment, our odour services, or joining our team, please get in touch.


Call us on 01525 351 396 for more information

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