Building 42 Wrest Park Silsoe BEDFORD Bedfordshire MK45 4HP
01525 351 396

Odour Testing Laboratory Achieves Fifteen Years of Successful UKAS Audits

Odour Testing Laboratory Achieves Fifteen Years of Successful UKAS Audits

Silsoe Odours testing laboratory achieves UKAS accreditation

At Silsoe Odours, we know that our customers rely on the accuracy of results from our odour laboratory. So we’re delighted to announce that, for the fifteenth consecutive year, we have again achieved a successful UKAS audit. We’re proud that the odour testing laboratory at Silsoe Odours was the first of its kind to receive UKAS accreditation, in 2003.

In December 2018, two assessors from UKAS visited for another inspection. This surveillance visit was the third in a four year cycle. Assessors examine the procedures and quality control systems of our odour testing laboratory, during the course of a one-day visit. They assess “the ongoing competence of Silsoe Odours Ltd and the technical level of compliance of its accredited activities”. The accreditation covers odour concentration measurement including sample pre-dilution.

The odour testing laboratory at Silsoe Odours has received UKAS accredited for the fifteenth consecutive year

What UKAS Say

“The laboratory was seen to have a mature management system which continues to improve following assessments and audits… the management were seen committed to satisfying the requirements of the Standards.
“The witnessed activities were carried out by knowledgeable staff who clearly understand what they are doing and the importance of maintaining the supporting quality system. Together with this and the satisfactory performance in the external proficiency scheme and the minor nature of the findings raised, UKAS has confidence in the results reported to customers. Overall, it can be concluded that Silsoe Odours continues to meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2005 & BS EN 13725:2003.UKAS

How does this Impact the Odour Testing Laboratory?

James Sneath, Technical Manager at the Odour Testing Laboratory at Silsoe Odours

James Sneath, Technical Manager at Silsoe Odours

James Sneath is our Technical Manager at Silsoe Odours. He says:

“We work tirelessly to ensure our odour testing laboratory at Silsoe Odours is the best when it comes to quality. UKAS’s accreditation reflects not only the quality of our procedures and equipment, but also our specialist team.
I’d like to congratulate and thank everyone involved in another successful year. We start 2019 by confirming the quality of our testing services. By the same token, we continue to give our customers confidence in our work.”

What is UKAS?

The Odour Testing Laboratory at Silsoe Odours has received a successful UKAS audit for the fifteenth consecutive yearUKAS describes itself as “the UK’s National Accreditation Body, responsible for determining, in the public interest, the technical competence and integrity of organisations such as those offering testing, calibration and certification services.”

You can view the Silsoe Odours testing laboratory’s UKAS accreditation certificate here.

Learn More

Do you have an odour issue you need support with? Our team of experts are happy to help. We work closely with customers to meet your individual requirements and overcome your odour challenges. Not to mention, our UKAS accreditation means you can be confident we’re the right choice. If you’d like to find out more, please get in touch or take a look at our odour services.

Please call 01525 351396 to speak with our odour specialists today.

3 Responses

  1. […] emissions. Our sniffers have also been busy in the odour laboratory (which has just received its fifteenth consecutive year of UKAS-accreditation), testing odour samples from across the UK and […]

  2. […] BSEN 13725:2003. We then transfer the odour samples from their source and transport to our (already UKAS-accredited!) laboratory for olfactometry […]

  3. […] about the course. It gives you a glimpse of what happens on the day, including your visit to our UKAS-accredited odour laboratory. In addition, you’ll also get to hear from our speakers and – equally important – […]

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