Building 42 Wrest Park Silsoe BEDFORD Bedfordshire MK45 4HP
01525 351 396

Silsoe Odours releases customer satisfaction survey results

Silsoe Odours releases customer satisfaction survey results

Odour consultantCY TEAM at Silsoe Odours

At the beginning of 2018, Silsoe Odours conducted a customer satisfaction survey. Firstly, many thanks to all who participated, we really appreciate your support. Our goal is to work with and listen to our customers. We wanted to know what you expect from your odour consultants, what we’re doing well and where we can improve. Your feedback helps us to maintain continuous best practise across our operations. Here’s what you told us…

So what do you think about our service quality?

We’re happy to see that you rate our services highly. 72% of respondents gave our services the highest rating of Very Good, 21% a rating of Good and not one respondent rated our services as poor. That means that…

93% of respondents rate Silsoe Odours’ services as Good or Very Good.

How does that break down?

The percentage of respondents rating the individual services we offer at Silsoe Odours as either Good or Very Good is as follows;


We’re pretty pleased with that, and we’re going to work hard to make these results even better for next year.

What do our odour consultants do really well?

We are really pleased to have received positive feedback across a number of things the odour consultants at Silsoe Odours do really well. Here are a few examples of why you like working with us;

  • Great customer service, always helpful and informative
  • Know what they’re talking about
  • Great respect for Silsoe Odours; think they are thorough and professional
  • Can’t fault them
  • Silsoe Odours are good at their job, good to work with, nice people
  • Great training courses
  • Quick turnover on enquiry, always quick and highly efficient
  • Excellent reputation, Silsoe Odours are well respected in their field
  • Enjoy working with Silsoe Odours, it’s a more personal service

What do we need to work on?

Here’s what you told us we can improve on – and what we’re going to do about it.

Would use Silsoe Odours more if they had the MCERTS accreditation
Our Director, Robert Sneath, holds an MCERTS Personal Competency Standard for Manual Stack-Emission Monitoring. A few of our customers have asked us to look at getting additional MCERTS accreditation for stack sampling. The process is underway and we expect to update you on this in the next few months.

Silsoe Odours should ‘push their noses out in the market more’
We don’t talk to you enough! Our odour consultants have a wealth of knowledge about the odour industry. So in future, we’ll be sharing their insights with you more, by email, on the Silsoe Odours blog and on LinkedIn. To start with, here’s a really informative article on what’s next for EN13725.

Location of provider is important because of 30 hour turnaround needed on results
We know it’s critical to achieve this, and we have a number of ways to accommodate it, wherever you’re based. For example, we frequently process odour samples from both Scotland and Ireland within this timeline. We’d be happy to run through the logistics of how to achieve the deadline for any of your projects.

Thank you for your support

Thanks again for your support in taking part in our customer satisfaction survey, and for using our services. Our customers are at the heart of what we do every day so it’s great to hear what you think. And if you didn’t get to leave us your comments, we are always interested to hear from you.

Please just give our odour consultants a call on 01525 351 396
or email

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