Building 42 Wrest Park Silsoe BEDFORD Bedfordshire MK45 4HP
01525 351 396

Silsoe Odours Launches Corporate Video

Silsoe Odours Launches Corporate Video

Silsoe Odours is pleased to launch our new corporate video, bringing you into the world of odour measurement. We encourage you to take a look, it’s well worth 90 seconds. Whether you work at Silsoe Odours (or would like to), are a customer, social media follower, or just plain interested. Silsoe Odours is a dedicated team of odour assessment consultants based in Bedfordshire. We provide industry-leading odour assessment, consultancy and laboratory analysis services, helping operators understand and manage odour emissions.

Take a look here:

Odour Assessment Consultants in Action

This short video captures the essence of what we do at Silsoe Odours, both in our UKAS-accredited odour laboratory and out and about on-site. We’ve used the process involved with an odour emission survey to showcase our range of expertise. You’ll see our pre-survey laboratory prep, on-site sampling and the Silsoe Odours panel of odour assessors in action. It also features a montage showing some of the sectors we work in.

You’ll gain an insight into why our industry-leading odour assessment consultants consistently receive such strong customer feedback. In our customer satisfaction survey earlier this year, 93% of respondents rated Silsoe Odours’ services as Very Good or Good. Our industry expertise, backed up by excellent customer service speaks for itself.

Tell Us What You Think

We’d love to know what you think of the new Silsoe Odours video. Please comment below, tweet us or tag us on LinkedIn. And of course, please feel free to share it with your colleagues and friends.

Last But Not Least…

Our standing as industry-leading odour assessment consultants is based on the hard work and dedication of our team. We’d like to thank everyone involved in the success of Silsoe Odours, as well as the production of this video. We hope you enjoyed it.

Would you like to speak with our odour assessment consultants?
We’d be glad to help, please give us a call on 01525 351396.

Get in touch

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