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Category: news

Summer 2019 at Silsoe Odours

Summer 2019 at Silsoe Odours – quarterly snapshot

ODOUR MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL - AN UPDATE FROM SILSOE ODOURS In the first place, you probably know that our odour measurement and control experts at Silsoe Odours share an update each quarter. So, please take a minute to watch this video from our summer 2019. You'll see how a day in the life of an…
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Perceived Hedonic Tone Scores

What You Should Know About Hedonic Tone

HEDONIC TONE ODOUR ASSESSMENTS In brief, a hedonic tone odour assessment is a subjective testing process. It measures the level of pleasure, or displeasure, that specific odours create when they come into contact with the human nose. We then give a 'score' to each odour. Our highly trained odour panel generates the scores. The Silsoe…
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Odour management objectives for clients

Key Objectives for Odour Management Clients

Odour Management Services: Client Outcomes Often, clients come to us as an odour management consultancy because you've been advised to do so. Usually that referral comes from a regulator or local authority, relating to a regulatory or planning stipulation. So your initial experience with these services may not always be the most welcome. This article…
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Practical Experiences of Odour Management – Robert Sneath Confirmed As Speaker

Practical Experiences of Odour Management On 25th September 2019, Cloth Hall Court in Leeds plays host to the best in the odour management business. This one day conference from Aqua Enviro explores the different approaches to odour mitigation, in use across a range of industries. Not only that, but the Practical Experiences in Odour Management…
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The draft of the 2019 revision of European Standard EN13725 is now available as part of its public enquiry

European Odour Standard EN13725:2019 Public Enquiry Open

Updated August 2019 New Revision of EN13725 (Olfactometry) The European Standard for olfactometry, EN13725, was published in 2003. It was developed by a a team of odour specialists from across Europe, known as CEN/TC264 Working Group 2 (WG2). Silsoe Odours Director, Robert Sneath, was instrumental in the process. He acts as the UK expert in…
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Silsoe Odours specialist conducting an odour assessment survey

An Odour Assessment Survey is an Essential Tool

An Odour Assessment Survey is an Essential Tool for Architects As you know, there are huge amounts of metaphorical hoops to jump through in your bid for a successful planning application. One such ‘hoop’, an odour assessment survey, is on the rise. Increasingly, local authorities are adding it to the list of standard requirements when…
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Delegates taking part in odour control training at the Odour Study Day with Silsoe Odours

Odour Study Day, 10th October 2019 – Registration Open

Odour Control Training from Silsoe Odours Registration is now open for the Autumn 2019 Odour Study Day. We invite you to join us on Thursday 10th October. On the course, you experience the UK's only CPD-certified odour management, assessment and odour control training. Not only that, but the Odour Study Day is also endorsed by…
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Victoria taking odour samples from a sewage works, demonstrating one of our methods of odour assessment

Spring 2019 at Silsoe Odours – Quarterly Snapshot

It's that time again! We're moving from one season to another (our favourite, unsurprisingly). So, it's time to share what we've been up to over the Spring of 2019. We've seen lots of highlights, probably most notably our new UKAS accreditation for odour sampling. Please take a couple of minutes (or 1 minute 41 seconds…
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The Silsoe Odours team have achieved UKAS accreditaiton for on-site odour sampling activities

Silsoe Odours Receives Odour Sampling Accreditation from UKAS

Odour Sampling Accreditation We are well-known at Silsoe Odours for our expertise and proficiency across all our odour services. Indeed, you can read customer testimonials here to that effect. With this in mind, we are delighted to announce that we have now been awarded UKAS accreditation for odour sampling. To begin with, a UKAS assessor…
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Results announced for Silsoe Odour's customer satisfaction survey 2019, measuring customer feedback about their range of odour services

2019 Customer Satisfaction Survey Results

As part of our commitment to providing the best service for our customers, we conduct an annual customer satisfaction survey. It takes into account the experiences of our customers across all of our odour services. We carry out the survey at the beginning of each year and we are very pleased to now share the results…
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